
Research Interests
Digital governance, government transparency, coproduction
Peer Reviewed Articles
Refereed Journal Articles (in English)
Yang, Wenting, Chuanshen Qin, and Bo Fan*. (2023). Do institutional pressures increase reactive transparency of government? Evidence from a field experiment. Public Management Review, 25(11): 2073-2092. (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.898)
Yang, Wenting, Bo Fan*, and Kevin C. Desouza. (2019). Spatial-temporal effect of household solid waste on illegal dumping. Journal of Cleaner Production, 227: 313-324. (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.297)
Fan, Bo*, Wenting Yang, and Xingchen Shen. (2019). A comparison study of ‘motivation–intention–behavior’ model on household solid waste sorting in China and Singapore. Journal of Cleaner Production, 211: 442-454. (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.297)
Fan, Bo*, Wenting Yang, and Ting Han. (2018). Impact of basic public service level on pro-environmental behavior in China. International Sociology 33, 6: 738-760. (SSCI, IF=1.52)
Refereed Journal Articles (in Chinese)
杨文婷. (2018). 以公益孵化推动社会成长——走进天津恩派及其支持项目“童心小米罗”.中国第三部门研究, 15(1), 160-171. (CSSCI)
樊博,杨文婷,孙轩.(2017). 雾霾影响下的公众情绪与风险感知研究——以天津市微博用户为分析样本,东北大学学报(社会科学版), 19(5), 489-496. (CSSCI,中国社会科学文摘全文转载)
樊博,杨文婷,尹鹏程.(2017). 应急资源协同对联动信息系统构建的影响机理——基于IS成功模型的分析, 26(5), 801-808. (CSSCI)
樊博,杨文婷.(2017). 基于PRS模型的大气污染防治政策评估研究——针对28个省的宏观数据, 3(1), 47-62.
Book Chapters
Report on the Development Capacity of Local Governments in China. 2023. National School of Administration Press. Eight Chapter.
Selected Working Papers
Institutional Pressures and Bureaucratic Responsiveness: How Do Public Agencies Respond to Freedom of Information Requests in China. Working paper
How to Do Agency Resources Matter to Government Reactive Transparency: Evidence from National-Scale Information Requests in China. Working paper
Role Clarification Initiatives and Performance in Public Organizations: Importance of the Multi-Goal Context. Working paper
Path Analysis and Impact Assessment of Open Government Data in Fostering Digital Economy Development. Working paper
Interagency Collaboration and Government Responsiveness in the Digital Platform: Does Broker-Agency Matter?. Working paper
How Does Policy Attention Affect Digital Transformation? Moderating Roles of Government Regulation in China. Working paper
打开回应黑箱:政府回应决策过程的内在机理及动态调整——基于A市信息公开申请的案例分析. Working paper (in Chinese)